Monday, July 11, 2011

Onto my Second Week

Lmao no one seems to be updating LJ lately. I haven't really been updating anything except twitter. haha
also, what I find to be a slight problem; it says I have two followers. I know one's Mimi, idk who the other one is though... :S it kind of annoys me, just caue I'd like to know, yes? :)
so yes, because my camera is in repair, these pictures are from my phone :)

one of my cousins, he's in grade 3. Little devil, he is ;P

Other cousin, she's in grade 3 too. She's so adorable; she's just loud sometimes lol

apartment; the one my cousin (above) lives in


small restaurant place :P

bought pretty melon-coloured nail polish lmao

wooden chopsticks... for a dollar LOL

lmaoooo my aunt told me how I loved these books in grade 5 when I last came to Korea, and I found that hillarious for some very strange reason >_<

So that's all for now; I don't think I'll be taking too many pictures for a while; or at least until my camera's fixed (if it's even fix-able :( I hope it is, and it doesn't cost TOO much money; or it's better just to get a new one -__- )

Yeappp byye :)


  1. the other pro follow is your son, mother ;p

  2. I'm currently wearing a similar colour nail polish c:

  3. the make-up there looks awesomee, you have etude house, misha, and skin food :)
    I am jealous :S
    I hope you're camera's fixable/you get a new one, how's canon i've never used it before?
    all you need is mimi :)
