Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Accumulation of Pictures

So some more overdue pictures; these are some in my memory card taken with my canon (*sobs* get better!!) and I just haven't uploaded them yet. Others were pictures I had on my phone, or this samsung camera that my mom brought (crappy ass quality though, you'll be able to tell the diff -_-)

lego house that Kevin built (following an instruction manual ofc)

bacon and cheese sandwhich :) it was good

bagel with cream cheese

shaved ice (it was actually made with condensed milk, apparently) with red bean paste and rice cakes at the top. It was so friggen good

so my cousin bought this pink turtle, and if you put it in the water, after a certain period of time, it "gives birth." apparently, the way this turtle gives birth is by killing itself... or the baby destroys its mother while coming out lmao wtf

after a while, tadaaa

fried chicken :) delivery haha. It was really good :D

These were the pictures on my phone, and now pictures from an actual camera (or two)

this is the pork thing Mimi was saying on tinychat or w/e it's called lmao

lots of rain that day

banana flavoured milk!

he built a parrot robot lmao; using a manual ofc

see the quality difference? -_-

idk if you can see, but the boy is peeing ._. he's not real, but it was still slightly disturbing lmao

those rocks you see in the river, they're supposed to be a bridge to the other side. It rained so much that day and the previous day and stuff that it was covered with water; you couldn't cross

So yea, that's about it :)
I'll post more pictures when I take them :)

Good night Canada people! :D

1 comment:

  1. lol @ the turtle
    the food looks good in korea :D

    I'm just getting hungry looking at the food :(
    take more pictures/post more :D:D:D:D
    have fun @the survival thing !!!
